Sunday, January 13, 2013


I have recently taken the leap and joined a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course). ETMOOC (Educational Technology and Media) is a connectivist MOOC loosely tied around this website

Is it for credit? Is it something an administrator is heading? No. Then why, you may be wondering. Why would one sign up for such a thing then? 

1. I've heard enough about these courses and their growing popularity that I figured it was time to see what the buzz was all about.

2. I am also part of a district committee on developing PLNs as a professional development model and I am curious to take part in a completely new learning process and a chance to meet some new educators. From what I've read of the introductions so far, it will be a privilege to make connections with any number of the talented participants that have signed up. I have started a blog  (Professional Development Online SD67) for those that are new to the world of PLNs.

3. I believe that if we as teachers are expecting our students to become self-directed, lifelong learners then we should walk that walk. Hesitantly I offer my third blog (1000 Reuses For A Thing) which is a little off my radar at the moment but not dead in the water.

4. I am excited and energized by both the possibilities and challenges of this so-called "revolution" in education due to technology and media and look forward to continuing my learning in this field.

Our first task is to introduce ourselves. So this is me....


  1. What do you think of Piktochart? This is the first time I've seen it used. Caught your post on the Google+ ETMOOC community. I'm @judyarzt on Twitter.

    1. It is very user friendly and has some good templates to start. You are only allowed to upload five images with free account! I wish it had the ability to hyperlink as well, I think that is in development.

  2. Dear Jodie,
    I'm also interested in taking MOOCs. It is not the matter of credit. It is a lifelong learning experience that broadens our horizons and visions. This is the first time to hear about Piktochart. It is like Glogster:

    Liked your introduction on Google+.
    See you around!

    1. Thanks for your comment. It is exciting to connect with someone from Egypt! Yes it is like glogster which I haven't used for a while.

  3. I just wanted to pop in and tell you that I am enjoying your thoughts on Twitter, Jodie.

    Thank you for sharing the above Piktochart, it is a fun way to do the introduction of yourself! I'm off to play with it myself. @kgitch

    1. Thanks for stopping by k :) I appreciate the note. Have with piktochart!
