So first goal in my prod plan: create a more formal pro-d plan. I consider myself one who is continually learning to improve myself as a teacher, but just like Tiger Woods (I know, dubious role model), I'm going to break down my swing and go right back to the basics when considering my professional practice.
So what is driving my goals for professional development ? Well simply put, how I can best help students become successful, motivated learners. One teacher at the presentation shared how she has a mission statement posted right by her computer for all to see. For some time, I have wanted to create something succinct and visual that would keep in the forefront what I should be working for every day that I show up for work.
So here is what is going to go up:
My Manifesto of Successful Learning (keywords based on William Glasser's Self-Control Theory)
I would love to know if you think there is anything that should be added or changed! Incidentally, "teachers" could be inserted for the word "learners" don't you think?